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10 facts about Armenian cochineal

Armenian cochineal is a type of worms from which the Armenians received a paint with the similar name. This paint was one of the symbols and prides of Armenia, so children need to get to know it. Here are 10 interesting facts about Armenian cochineal:

  1.  It is listed in the Red Book of Armenia.
  2. In ancient times, the paint obtained from worms was also called the Armenian dye, and in distant countries, instead of “Armenian land”, the expression “Land of red worms” was often used.
  3. The production of Armenian cochineal was a monopoly of only Armenian kings. In the capital Artashat, there were special "houses of colors", which were called royal.
  4. The Armenian cocheneal was so popular all over the world that all lists of goods exported from Ancient Armenia used to begin with it.
  5. This color prevailed on the flags of all provinces and houses of power in historical Armenia.
  6. Armenian cochineal was also used as ink. In the Middle Ages, kings and spiritual leaders of Eastern Europe used to sign only with the Armenian cochineal.
  7. It was the most expensive and high quality paint in the world.
  8. These worms give only one generation per year, so Armenian cochineal is considered one of the most expensive paints.
  9. To prepare the paint, the Armenians collected worms and boiled them.
  10. Armenian cochineal was a symbol of the unity of the ancient Armenians.

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